Managing a team of employees involves a multitude of challenges and can be extremely time-consuming. Today’s business world demands speed and efficiency to stay competitive. Staying in the HR “Stone Age” is cumbersome and costly, and will keep your business from achieving its true potential. That’s why smart business owners and managers are turning to HireVault to manage their HR easily and efficiently.
HireVault increases your efficiency and productivity dramatically by allowing you to organize all employee information in one place. If you want to move faster toward your business goals, it helps to be very organized. For most small businesses, a tremendous amount of time and productivity are lost from administering HR tasks in an inefficient way.
The affordability and accessibility of HireVault make it one of the best investments business owners and managers can make to help them reach their growth and productivity goals. HireVault is the most cost-effective HR and business management software system available for small to medium-sized businesses, and is built on a solid foundation of quality.
With a good system in place to see who is performing optimally and who isn’t, managers can make informed decisions for how to delegate work in a better way. One of the most overlooked areas of HR management is reporting. Every good manager needs to take stock of how team members are performing.
HR software has become one of the most important tools for the modern business. Even the small business with 20 employees needs to realize the benefits of using HR software to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize the time and money being wasted by manually executing Human Resource Management (HRM) tasks. By implementing HireVault’s HRMS/HRIS system, your company can manage human resource cost, optimize the human resource process, and increase the efficiency and value of human capital. Additionally, with the increase in private sector employment, the use of HR software has become an absolute requirement for companies to manage their human resources.
Do you have questions about HireVault, or how you can manage your business and employees more efficiently and effectively? Give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you. (855) 761-2500
Also, please visit our website for more information, and to see our many great testimonials.
As Boy Dylan wrote many years ago, “The times… they are a-changin.” And that certainly continues to be true in areas of our culture and industry. Technological advances have lead to major changes to the way we accomplish our daily tasks. When it comes to HR, business owners are realizing the tremendous costs of continuing to operate using outdated methods instead of embracing the newer, more efficient methods. Perhaps the most groundbreaking advance has to do with an ingenious software system called HireVault, which lets you manage multiple HR tasks all from one simple dashboard.
The affordability and accessibility of HireVault make it one of the best investments business owners and managers can make to help them reach their growth and productivity goals. HireVault is the most cost-effective HR and business management software system available for small to medium-sized businesses, and is built on a solid foundation of quality.
HireVault increases your efficiency and productivity dramatically by allowing you to organize all employee information in one place. If you want to move faster toward your business goals, it helps to be very organized. For most small businesses, a tremendous amount of time and productivity are lost from administering HR tasks in an inefficient way.
With a good system in place to see who is performing optimally and who isn’t, managers can make informed decisions for how to delegate work in a better way. One of the most overlooked areas of HR management is reporting. Every good manager needs to take stock of how team members are performing.
One of the most overlooked areas of HR management is reporting. Every good manager needs to take stock of how team members are performing. With a good system in place to see who is performing optimally and who isn’t, managers can make informed decisions for how to delegate work in a better way.
If you want to move faster toward your business goals, it helps to be very organized. For most small businesses, a tremendous amount of time and productivity are lost from administering HR tasks in an inefficient way. HireVault increases your efficiency and productivity dramatically by allowing you to organize all employee information in one place. If you want to move faster toward your business goals, it helps to be very organized.
HireVault is the most cost-effective HR and business management software system available for small to medium-sized businesses and is built on a solid foundation of quality. The affordability and accessibility of HireVault make it one of the best investments business owners and managers can make to help them reach their growth and productivity goals.
HR software has become one of the most important tools for the modern business. Even the small business with 20 employees needs to realize the benefits of using HR software to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize the time and money being wasted by manually executing Human Resource Management (HRM) tasks. By implementing HireVault’s HRMS/HRIS system, your company can manage human resource cost, optimize the human resource process, and increase the efficiency and value of human capital. Additionally, with the increase in private sector employment, the use of HR software has become an absolute requirement for companies to manage their human resources.
Do you have questions about HireVault, or how you can manage your business and employees more efficiently and effectively? Give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you. (855) 761-2500
Also, please visit our website for more information, and to see our many great testimonials.
It can be a major setback to lose a talented, capable employee. When this happens, it makes sense to consider the reasons he or she decided to leave. Are you conducting exit interviews? Leaders, take care of your employees. A recent Forbes Magazine article says the following: “When your employees say to themselves and others, ‘Where’s the love?’ you’ve got a problem. Do you know what they are missing? Do you know what they want to be engaged and happy? I suggest you sit down with them and ask. Generally, they will tell you: a) I want to feel respected; b) pay me what I’m worth, and when I exceed expectations, share the wealth; c) be kind and considerate; d) let me fail, try and learn; and e) let me grow and develop my skills. There’s more—go find out what’s on employees’ minds and then respond accordingly.”
Perhaps your employees aren’t as happy as they should be under your employment. If this is the case, your business has a problem at its most foundational level. Measures should be taken to understand the issues, and how to address them from their root causes. Effective management of workers can involve a variety of tasks and processes, and it’s important to have an organizational system that allows you to have quick access to information in order to make prudent decisions. The best software available to manage tasks and processes related to employees for small and medium-sized businesses is called HireVault. We track training, performance, completion of documents needed when hiring, and even remind you to reach out to employees for important dates that make them feel important.
Warm Fuzzy Employees = Better Performance & Better Engagement.
HireVault increases your efficiency and productivity dramatically by allowing you to organize all employee information in one place. For most small businesses, a tremendous amount of time and productivity are lost from administering HR tasks in an inefficient way. HireVault has a user-friendly interface that keeps all information organized and at your fingertips. The affordability and accessibility of HireVault make it one of the best investments business owners and managers can make to help them reach their growth and productivity goals. HireVault is the most cost-effective HR and business management software system available for small to medium-sized businesses, and is built on a solid foundation of quality.
With a good system in place to see who is performing optimally and who isn’t, managers can make informed decisions for how to delegate work in a better way. One of the most overlooked areas of HR management is reporting. Every good manager needs to take stock of how team members are performing. Our Ad Hoc reporting feature allows reports to be created in the way YOU want them, giving much richer reports displaying only the data you want to see.
HR software has become one of the most important tools for the modern business. Even the small business with 20 employees needs to realize the benefits of using HR software to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize the time and money being wasted by manually executing Human Resource Management (HRM) tasks. By implementing HireVault’s HRMS/HRIS system, your company can manage human resource cost, optimize the human resource process, and increase the efficiency and value of human capital. Additionally, with the increase in private sector employment, the use of HR software has become an absolute requirement for companies to manage their human resources.
Do you have questions about HireVault, or how you can manage your business and employees more efficiently and effectively? Give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you. (855) 761-2500
Feel free to email us at: [email protected]
Also, please visit our website for more information, and to see our many great testimonials.
If you are a business owner or manager, you know the high constraints of today’s business climate. The days of passive, loose, and unfocused management styles are over for businesses that plan to survive in these changing times. Effective managers understand that team members who aren’t pulling their weight need to be sent on their way. The future of the business depends on it. Just ask Jack Welch about how he cuts the bottom 10% of his workforce
Keeping your team performing optimally means cleaning house occasionally. Do you need to fire 50% of your team today? Hopefully not. But you need to do what’s best for your business goals. If you want to be a better manager of your team and reach your business goals faster, you need a SYSTEM that allows you to do that manage your employees properly. You need HireVault.
HireVault is the most cost-effective HR and business management software system available for small to medium-sized businesses, and is built on a solid foundation of quality. The affordability and accessibility of HireVault make it one of the best investments business owners and managers can make to help them reach their growth and productivity goals. Why? We track your prized assets, in almost every aspect, which are your employees. We keep confidential documents secure and safe, online and easily accessible by your management and administrators.
HR software has become one of the most important tools for the modern business. Even the small business with 20 employees needs to realize the benefits of using HR software to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize how much time and money is being wasted by manually executing Human Resource Management (HRM) tasks. By implementing HireVault’s HRMS/HRIS system, your company can manage human resource cost, optimize the human resource process, and increase the efficiency and value of human capital. Additionally, with the increase in private sector employment, the use of HR software has become an absolute requirement for companies to manage their human resources.
In addition, the HireVault tracks time, attendance, performance, onboarding and much more for only a few dollars per employee per month. HireVault is easy to use too! No heavy training is needed to get you started.
One of the most overlooked areas of HR management is reporting. We have a very robust Ad Hoc Reporting system that allows customized reports to be created and stored allowing access to the data that you want. Every good manager needs to take stock of how team members are performing. With a good system in place to see who is performing optimally and who isn’t, managers can make informed decisions for how to delegate work in a better way.
If you want to move faster toward your business goals, it helps to be very organized. For most small businesses, a tremendous amount of time and productivity are lost from administering HR tasks in an inefficient way. HireVault increases your efficiency and productivity dramatically by allowing you to organize all employee information in one place. If you want to move faster toward your business goals, it helps to be very organized.
Do you have questions about HireVault, or how you can manage your business and employees more efficiently and effectively? Give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you. (855) 761-2500
Also, please visit our website for more information, and to see our many great testimonials.
Do you have questions about HireVault, or how you can manage your business and employees more efficiently and effectively? Give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you. (855) 761-2500
Feel free to email us at: [email protected]
Also, please visit our website for more information, and to see our many great testimonials.
Onboarding, retention, productivity, performance, turnover…these are just a few of the things that rattle around the brains of executives in growing companies. What thoughts would overwhelm them even more? Maybe it’s the fact that billions of dollars are spent each year retaining unproductive employees who lack a true understanding of their job. It could even be that the average cost of employee turnover is about 20 percent of the replaced employee’s salary. Simply put, onboarding is absolutely critical in flourishing companies, there’s just no other way to slice. If your company isn’t placing a major emphasis on its onboarding process, there’s a serious problem looming. Consider the fact that 7 out of 10 people remain with a company for three years after experiencing a first-rate onboarding process and that fact is not going to change any time soon.
First and foremost, an organization’s leadership team must understand the difference between training and onboarding. Yes, they are different. Training is actually just a portion of the long-term process known as onboarding. As such, training encompasses the specific actions taken during the probationary period (first 90 days) which outline and teach the new employee their job responsibilities. Integrating training into the onboarding process is critical to new employee success and long-term job retention. Plus, a well-trained employee is going to be happier, more productive, and more confident in their day-to-day tasks.
Unfortunately, employers often lack the foresight to comprehend and appreciate the value of great onboarding. An engaging, cutting-edge onboarding process is absolutely essential to any company’s bottom line. Organizations that fully grasp that concept are winning today and, more importantly, winning tomorrow. Nevertheless, the majority of employees still hate the first day of work and that is due to a failing onboarding process. Take a look at just some of the reasons that cause employees to dread day one on a new job:
- Dealing with an onslaught of paperwork
- Listening to outdated, boring orientation jargon
- Realizing that there is no distinction between onboarding and orientation
- Not being introduced to everyone on the team
- Lacking an understanding of expectations and objectives
- Feeling totally detached from the company’s culture
- Having no personalization in the onboarding process
- Information overload with no concept of employee comprehension
- Unidirectional sessions with no interactive education
- Group training with no individual attention
- Not taking them out to lunch the first day
- No communication of the company’s mission or values
- Forgetting to give ample time for social interaction with co-workers
Disorganization in the overall process
Onboarding is literally an investment in your company. When done correctly, profits grow, employees stay, and a reputable, awesome company culture is born. Engagement is the key to keeping onboarding exciting and successful. The ability to avoid the first day mistakes listed above will set the tone for a workforce that is ready and willing to take your company to new heights. There is a massive difference between getting a new employee “up to speed” and setting them up for a long, successful career within your company.
Here’s a statistics for you: approximately 25 percent of all U.S. employees require onboarding during any given time. Why? Onboarding goes way beyond new hires and spreads into internal changes such as new job roles, departments, and any kind of lateral or vertical shift. That’s why your onboarding efforts must be constant and consistent. Employees want to feel connected to the overall mission of the company. Encourage that connection by providing the right tools and resources, giving regular performance reviews, emphasizing the company’s culture, and maintaining a finger on the pulse of employee expectations and objectives. Your workforce is a machine and onboarding is the fuel. Keep your fuel fresh and recurring, and watch as your company thrives.
Are you reading this article wondering how your new hires feel about their first day of work? Is your company guilty of making some of the first day mistakes? HireVault has the fuel that will keep your business growing and flourishing, and saving money too. It’s time to hurdle those onboarding roadblocks and transform them into onboarding triumphs. Let’s renovate and revamp the first day of work together. HR Headaches, Meet the HireVault.
A wise man once said, “first dates suck”…and he wasn’t wrong. First dates evoke all kinds of emotions – fear, anxiety, excitement, hope, and even a touch of uncomfortable awkwardness. It’s hard to imagine a first date without some of these negative emotions, even for the best of love connections. Imagine, however, a first date devoid of any anxiety, awkwardness, or fear. Imagine having the comfort of knowing that a first date would be relaxed, smooth, and laced with hopeful enthusiasm. While we may not be able to introduce you to your future husband or wife, we might have a solution to your HR “first date” issues: escaping the classic first day hiccups with your new employee.
Hiring new staff members is actually a lot like dating. You survey potential candidates, determine if your goals and ways of thinking align, and then you choose to move forward with the best one available. While finding top potential employees for your company is often a difficult and lengthy task, once a candidate is hired the subsequent processes are far more complicated and complex than many understand. Finding and hiring a fantastic employee is timely, costly, and sometimes frustrating. From interviewing to training, employers must find a way to navigate the hiring process as efficiently and effectively as possible. First impressions are everything – and your first “date” with a new hire must be close to perfect.
Recent research from the Harvard Business Review shows that poor hiring decisions are responsible for nearly 80% of employee turnover. So, how does an employer avoid hiring mistakes that lead to lost profits, time, and added frustration? How can the onboarding process go from major headache to a well-oiled machine? How can you, the employer or HR director, ensure that your new hires are equipped to be productive, happy employees? The solution is our simple mantra, “HR Headaches, Meet the HireVault”.
The power of HireVault lies in our ability to streamline your entire employee process: applicant tracking, background checking, hiring, onboarding, time keeping, compliance, continued employee education, performance tracking, and more. In other words, a comprehensive human resources procedure remedy. With the confidence of knowing that your employee documents are safe and secure in our Vault, you are now able to focus on much more important matters…like running your business.
Human Resources Management System
Did you know that companies lose millions of dollars each year due to inadequate communication to and between employees? An all-in-one HR system is critical to simplifying and structuring your company to operate flawlessly. Having a trusted database of employee information not only helps HR personnel, but ensures better overall function of your company. Remember that first date analogy? HireVault is like having a dating expert dictate every move of your first date, making you look like Rico Suave and laying the foundation for a promising future. Is it important for you to make a great first impression on your new staff members? It should be, and HireVault lays the groundwork for just that.
And don’t worry, HireVault is dressed to impress on the first date. Wow your new employees with our beautiful dashboard and mobile time clock app. More often than not, the HR administration process is tedious and time-consuming, so let’s do away with those HR Headaches by taking full advantage of HireVault’s:
- Human Resources Information System: trust our robust database to store your employee information
- Applicant Tracking System: keep track of and hire your new employees efficiently
- Employee Time Management System: the power of our time clock system is incredible – from GPS tracking to our mobile app
- Automated Onboarding: paperless onboarding ensures that your hiring documents are safe, secure, and easily accessible for you
- Integrated Background Check: take advantage of a simple and effective way to make sure you are hiring the right people
- Compliance: sensitive documents like I-9s, W-4s, applications, and more are all stored behind our firewall
- Performance Training & Evaluations: support to keep your employees continually learning and getting better, creating a path to both business and personal growth
- All-in-One: with online self-access to the employee portal, staff member and superiors will be able to access appropriate documents easily – an HR dream come true
The fictional wise man who once said “first dates suck” wasn’t equipped with the tools to make sure the date was successful. When you sit down with your new employee during their first day on the job, what impression do you want to make? How much time can you afford to spend getting them up to speed? At HireVault, our powerful HR system is armed and ready to bring simplicity and charm back into the employee relations process. It’s time to realize your company’s full potential, free from unnecessary hiring roadblocks. Let’s make it happen together. HR Headaches, Meet the HireVault.
Why an HRIS System?
Why invest in an Human Resources Information System? HRIS offer Job Management and Postings Capabilities, Compliance, Applicant Tracking, Benefits, Training, Recruiting and Onboarding.
Most are flexible in design with integrated databases, a comprehensive array of features, and powerful reporting functions and analysis capabilities that you need to manage your workforce. This can give back hours of the HR administrator’s day previously spent attending to routine employee requests.
HRIS also facilitates communication processes and saves paper by providing an easily-accessible, centralized location for company policies, announcements, and links to external URL’s. Employee activities such as time-off requests and W-4 form changes can be automated, resulting in faster approvals and less paperwork.
An affordable Human Resource Information System (HRIS), for example with the HiveVault e-Sign capability, it allows companies to manage their workforce through two powerful main components: the Dashboard & Our Customizable Onboarding tools. In addition to these essential software solutions, HRIS offers other options to help companies understand and fully utilize their workforce’s collective skills, talents, and experiences.
Selecting the right HRIS is important. Your company will need to make sure that they can customize the system to meet its specific and unique needs and that it is a system that will grow with your company.